
I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to make a difference and improve the lives of those in desperate need.   We were welcomed with smiles of gratitude despite their poor living conditions in the remote villages of the Guatemalan Highlands.

The Highland Women’s Association (AMA) promotes the following:

Our Purpose

Break cycles of dependency by increasing the agency of women to make them the agents of transformation in their communities. We recognise cultural and economic dependency as a major indicator in perpetuating cycles of poverty. We seek to empower women and their communities to take advantage of opportunities and solve problems.

Our Mission

“Increase the capacity of every woman to adapt to economic, social and climatic changes by creating new strategies for a sustainable life.”

Our Vision

“To be an organization that develops all women’s potential to be strong, adaptable, creative, responsible and team-oriented.”

I feel as though we succeeded in AMA’s purpose, mission, and vision.  The program challenged me to value the small things and appreciate my culture and heritage.  Guatemala is such a beautiful country- the land of eternal spring.  It has taken so long for me to finally realize why my mom has always encouraged me to visit Guatemala with my family.  She is very involved in helping local charities and organizations aimed at empowering and improving the lives of the indigenous communities.

I want to continue supporting AMA and definitely plan to return to Guatemala with my family very soon.  I also want to organize a mission trip with my extended family and take on another stove project.  I am so grateful to Dr. Pontes , my group members, Lupe and the entire AMA family for this life-changing experience!

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